Breaking Free from Facebook: Why You Should Join and Rediscover the True Internet

Breaking Free from Facebook: Why You Should Join and Rediscover the True Internet

In a world where corporate social networks dominate our digital lives, it’s easy to forget what the internet was meant to be—an open space for free expression, collaboration, and connection. Platforms like Facebook have strayed far from that vision, prioritizing profit over privacy and manipulating users with algorithms. But there’s an alternative that revives the true values of the internet: isn’t just another social network. It’s a movement rooted in a manifesto that champions digital freedom, privacy, free will, and a return to the old-school values of the internet. For those disillusioned with Facebook and other corporate-driven platforms, offers a space where you can reclaim control of your online experience and engage in meaningful connections and activism. Here’s why leaving Facebook and joining is the best move for your digital future.

The Decline of Facebook: From Innovation to Exploitation

Facebook’s early promise of connecting people across the globe has been overshadowed by its flaws. Let’s take a closer look at why Facebook is no longer the place for those who value digital freedom:

1. Data Exploitation at the Core

Facebook’s business model relies on one thing—your data. Every post you like, every page you visit, every comment you make is tracked, analyzed, and sold. This data is used to target ads, manipulate your behavior, and generate billions in revenue for Facebook. You, the user, become the product.

Scandals like Cambridge Analytica showed just how invasive Facebook’s data collection practices can be. Personal information was used for political manipulation, all without users’ knowledge or consent. It’s clear that Facebook’s interests lie in profit, not protecting your privacy.

2. Algorithmic Control of Your Experience

One of Facebook’s biggest problems is its algorithmic control. The content you see on your feed isn’t just what your friends post—it’s filtered, curated, and manipulated by Facebook’s algorithm to maximize engagement. This creates echo chambers, reinforces biases, and often amplifies sensational or misleading content.

More troubling, Facebook censors content that challenges its policies or corporate interests, silencing voices that deviate from the mainstream narrative. Instead of fostering open discussions, Facebook has become a gatekeeper of information, deciding what is and isn’t acceptable.

3. The Harmful Impact on Mental Health

Facebook’s design isn’t just about connecting people; it’s about keeping them hooked. The constant comparison to others, the curated feeds, and the never-ending stream of notifications can have a devastating effect on mental health. Studies show that heavy social media use, particularly on platforms like Facebook, is linked to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. A Manifesto for the True Internet was created as an antidote to everything Facebook has become. It is a platform that embraces the core values of the internet’s original vision: freedom, privacy, and genuine connection. At the heart of is its manifesto—a guiding philosophy that sets it apart from modern, profit-driven social networks.

1. Free Will and User Control

Unlike Facebook, where algorithms dictate what you see, puts you in control. You decide what you want to engage with, who you want to follow, and how you interact with the platform. There are no manipulative algorithms pushing content that serves corporate interests. Instead, is about giving users full control over their digital experience.

The philosophy of free will is central to We believe that users should have the autonomy to shape their online environment based on their values and preferences. On our platform, you can express yourself freely, explore diverse perspectives, and engage in open discussions without the fear of censorship or shadow banning.

2. Privacy as a Core Value

In a world where data exploitation has become the norm, takes a bold stand on privacy. We don’t track your behavior, collect your data, or sell it to third parties. Our platform is ad-free, meaning you’re not bombarded with targeted ads based on your personal information.

We believe that privacy is a fundamental right, not a luxury. That’s why your data remains your own on You can connect with others, share your thoughts, and participate in discussions without worrying about being watched or profiled.

3. A Platform for Activism and Change is not just about socializing—it’s a platform designed to empower activists and changemakers. We understand that social media can be a powerful tool for organizing and driving social change, but it needs to be free from corporate and governmental interference.

Whether you’re advocating for human rights, digital freedom, or environmental justice, provides a safe and open space for activists to share ideas, collaborate, and mobilize. Unlike Facebook, which often censors controversial topics, encourages diverse voices and supports causes that challenge the status quo.

4. Old-School Values and Open-Source Technology

One of the core principles behind is a return to the old-school values of the internet—a time when the web was a place for experimentation, creativity, and collaboration, not just another avenue for corporate profit. is built on open-source technology, ensuring transparency and community involvement in its development. We encourage users to participate, contribute, and help shape the platform to meet the needs of the community. This open, community-driven approach is a far cry from the closed, opaque systems of Facebook and other corporate platforms.

Our Program9 Webmasters group is a testament to this philosophy. It brings together web developers, creators, and innovators who are passionate about building websites that align with the core values of digital freedom, privacy, and open collaboration. This group is actively involved in improving the platform and ensuring that it remains user-centric and independent.

How to Move from Facebook to

Making the switch from Facebook to is not just easy—it’s liberating. Here’s how you can transition and start experiencing the internet the way it was meant to be:

  1. Sign Up: Creating an account on is simple and free. Within minutes, you can set up your profile and start connecting with others.

  2. Explore Communities: is built around meaningful interactions, not superficial engagement. Explore groups, find topics that interest you, and start discussions that matter.

  3. Reclaim Your Time: On, there are no distractions from ads or algorithms. You decide how much time you spend on the platform and how you engage with it, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

  4. Get Involved in Activism: Whether you’re new to activism or a seasoned advocate, provides tools to support your causes. Join activist groups, participate in campaigns, and make your voice heard in a space that values your freedom.

The Future of Social Networking Lies in

Facebook’s model of exploiting users for profit is outdated. It’s time to move beyond the toxic environment of algorithmic control, data exploitation, and censorship. offers a vision for the future of social networking that is built on true internet values—freedom, privacy, user autonomy, and meaningful connection.

By joining, you’re not just signing up for another social network—you’re becoming part of a movement to restore the internet’s original promise of open, free, and empowering communication. Our manifesto guides every aspect of the platform, ensuring that it remains a space where users are respected, their data is protected, and their voices are heard.

Make the switch today and experience what social networking should be. is your path to digital freedom, privacy, and a better online community.