Why You Should Ditch Facebook and Join Program9.click: A Return to Old-School Internet Values

Why You Should Ditch Facebook and Join Program9.click: A Return to Old-School Internet Values

In the early days of the internet, it was a place of discovery, creativity, and true connection—before algorithms, surveillance, and corporate interests took over. Today, platforms like Facebook have transformed what once was a vibrant, free digital space into a heavily controlled, profit-driven environment. Facebook’s hold on social media has left many users feeling trapped, manipulated, and disillusioned.

If you’ve grown tired of Facebook’s data mining, censorship, and manipulative algorithms, there’s a new destination: Program9.click. This isn’t just another social network—it’s a return to old-school internet values. Built on the foundation of free will, user privacy, and open-source principles, Program9.click offers a refreshing alternative for those who seek true freedom and meaningful online experiences.

The Facebook Problem: Why It’s Time to Move On

Before diving into the advantages of Program9.click, it’s important to understand why Facebook is no longer the platform it once was. Over time, Facebook has evolved into a tool for corporate interests, exploiting users’ data and restricting their ability to freely engage online.

1. Facebook’s Data Exploitation

Facebook’s business model is driven by data. Every interaction you have—whether it’s liking a post, sharing content, or commenting—is meticulously tracked. Facebook then sells this data to advertisers, creating a massive advertising machine that profits from your personal information. With each scroll, your online behavior is collected, analyzed, and used to shape targeted ads and content, further driving the platform's profits.

You, the user, become the product.

This level of data mining erodes user privacy, making it difficult to trust the platform with your personal information. Scandals like Cambridge Analytica exposed Facebook’s willingness to misuse user data for profit, and yet, the practice continues.

2. Algorithmic Control

Facebook’s algorithms are designed to maximize user engagement, which often means amplifying sensational content, reinforcing echo chambers, and controlling what shows up in your feed. The result? You no longer have full control over what you see or how you engage online. Facebook decides for you, using algorithms that prioritize profit over meaningful connections.

This control over your experience also extends to content censorship. Facebook has been known to silence voices that challenge mainstream narratives or corporate interests, limiting free expression in favor of maintaining its own image and advertising power.

3. Facebook’s Negative Impact on Mental Health

For many users, spending too much time on Facebook can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation. The constant stream of carefully curated posts, idealized lives, and superficial interactions creates an environment where users often compare themselves to others, leading to negative mental health effects. The platform fosters a culture of comparison, distraction, and shallow engagement, making it difficult to form authentic, meaningful connections.

The Program9.click Solution: Embracing Old-School Internet Values

In response to Facebook’s failures, Program9.click was created to offer a radically different experience—one that harks back to the core values of the original internet. We believe that social networks should empower users, protect their privacy, and give them control over their own experiences. Here’s why Program9.click stands out:

1. Free Will and User Autonomy

At its core, Program9.click is built on the philosophy of free will. Unlike Facebook, where algorithms decide what you see and engage with, Program9.click allows users to fully control their experience. There are no algorithms manipulating your feed or influencing your choices. Instead, you decide who to follow, what content to engage with, and how to curate your own space on the platform.

We believe in empowering users to act freely, explore diverse ideas, and make their own decisions without interference. Program9.click was designed for users who want to reclaim their online autonomy and engage in a platform that respects their freedom.

2. Privacy-First Approach

Facebook’s relentless data mining has made privacy a luxury on most modern platforms. Program9.click, however, takes a privacy-first approach. We do not collect, track, or sell your data—period. There are no ads following you around, no invasive tracking systems, and no hidden data collection.

Our commitment to privacy is at the heart of everything we do. On Program9.click, your data belongs to you. You can interact and share content freely, without the fear that your personal information is being harvested and sold to the highest bidder.

3. A Platform for Activists, Creators, and Innovators

Program9.click is not just a space for socializing—it’s a platform designed to support activism, creativity, and innovation. We recognize the internet as a powerful tool for driving change, and Program9.click provides the resources and space for individuals to organize, collaborate, and express their ideas freely.

We welcome voices from all backgrounds and encourage activism that challenges the status quo. Unlike Facebook, which is known for silencing dissent and censoring challenging perspectives, Program9.click encourages open discussions and diverse viewpoints.

4. Open-Source, Community-Driven, and Old-School Values

One of the key aspects of Program9.click is its commitment to open-source technology. Built by developers who share the values of transparency, collaboration, and community, the platform is continually improved by its users. Anyone can contribute, shape, and evolve the platform in a way that benefits the community at large.

This old-school approach to web building is a throwback to the early days of the internet, when it was a space for experimentation, collaboration, and genuine connection. We’ve intentionally adopted this model because we believe in keeping the internet open, free, and accessible.

Our Program9 Webmasters group is dedicated to supporting this vision. Webmasters from around the world come together to help build and maintain websites that align with our mission of privacy, free will, and digital freedom. This group is central to the ongoing development of the platform, ensuring that Program9.click remains user-focused and independent.

How to Make the Switch: From Facebook to Program9.click

Ready to reclaim your online experience and move to a platform that truly values your autonomy? Here’s how to make the transition:

  1. Sign Up for Free: Getting started on Program9.click is easy. Simply sign up for an account, create your profile, and explore the platform.

  2. Take Control of Your Feed: Unlike Facebook, where algorithms control your experience, Program9.click lets you build your feed based on your interests. Follow users, join communities, and engage with content that matters to you.

  3. Engage in Activism and Collaboration: Program9.click provides the tools you need to collaborate, organize, and drive change. Whether you’re advocating for human rights, digital privacy, or environmental sustainability, you’ll find a community of like-minded individuals ready to support your efforts.

  4. Experience True Digital Freedom: Free from the distractions of ads and algorithms, you’ll find that Program9.click offers a more focused, fulfilling online experience. You’re in control—no one is manipulating your time or your data.

Program9.click: The Future of Social Networking with Old-School Internet Values

Program9.click represents a return to the original values of the internet—freedom, privacy, and user empowerment. In contrast to Facebook’s data-driven, manipulative model, Program9.click offers a platform built around free will and digital autonomy. Our manifesto is clear: we believe in an internet where users have control, where privacy is respected, and where true collaboration and creativity thrive.

By leaving Facebook and joining Program9.click, you’re not just switching platforms—you’re joining a movement to restore the internet’s core values. You’ll find a space that respects your freedom, protects your privacy, and encourages you to engage in meaningful connections without the interference of corporate interests.

So why wait? Make the switch today and rediscover what the internet was meant to be. Join Program9.click—the social network where your free will comes first.