Leave Facebook and Join Us on Program9.click: Rediscovering the Old-School True Internet

Why You Should Leave Facebook and Join Program9.click: Rediscovering the True Internet

As social media has evolved, so have the platforms that dominate our digital lives. Facebook, once a space for connection and expression, has transformed into a machine built to exploit data, manipulate users, and profit off our time and attention. But there’s an alternative for those who want more out of their online experience—one that embraces the core values of the original internet: Program9.click.

Program9.click isn’t just another social network. It’s a movement, a return to old-school internet values, where users have full control over their digital experiences and privacy is at the forefront. It’s about creating an online space free from manipulation, driven by free will, community, and transparency. If you’re ready to break free from Facebook’s data-driven world and join a platform designed for those who believe in true digital freedom, here’s why Program9.click is the future of social networking.

Why Facebook No Longer Works for You

To understand why Program9.click offers a better alternative, it’s important to recognize what Facebook has become and why it’s a platform worth leaving behind. Once a pioneer of social networking, Facebook has fallen into patterns of data exploitation, algorithmic control, and mental health pitfalls that erode the true essence of connection.

1. Facebook Turns You Into the Product

Every interaction you have on Facebook—whether it’s a like, a comment, or a share—is part of a massive data collection effort. Facebook tracks your behavior relentlessly, using your personal data to create highly detailed profiles that are sold to advertisers. This invasive data mining has fueled Facebook’s growth into one of the most powerful advertising platforms in history. But it comes at a cost: your privacy.

You’re not just using Facebook; Facebook is using you. Every click is analyzed to generate ad revenue, and the more time you spend on the platform, the more Facebook profits from your personal information. The platform’s interests are misaligned with yours. While Facebook grows richer, you lose control of your own data.

2. Algorithmic Manipulation at Every Turn

Facebook is no longer about genuine social interaction. The platform’s algorithms dictate what you see in your feed, carefully curating content to maximize your engagement. Facebook shows you sensationalized content, reinforcing echo chambers and driving you toward superficial interactions that keep you hooked.

Worse, Facebook censors content that doesn’t align with its corporate interests or policy guidelines. This algorithmic filtering creates an environment where you’re not truly free to engage with the content or ideas you value. Instead of a space for diverse viewpoints and meaningful discussions, Facebook has become a manipulative echo chamber.

3. The Negative Effects on Mental Health

Research has consistently shown that heavy social media use—especially on platforms like Facebook—can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Facebook fosters a culture of comparison, where users are bombarded with carefully curated posts that highlight only the best parts of people’s lives. This often leads to unhealthy comparisons and feelings of inadequacy.

The constant notifications and pressure to stay connected make it difficult to disconnect and focus on the real world. Facebook keeps you engaged not through meaningful connection, but through a never-ending cycle of distractions designed to hold your attention as long as possible.

Program9.click: A Platform Built on True Internet Values

Program9.click was created as a reaction to the growing dissatisfaction with platforms like Facebook. At its heart is a simple, yet revolutionary idea: the internet should be a space for freedom, privacy, and creativity—not a tool for corporate profit. Our platform is designed around the principles of free will, where users have the autonomy to shape their own experience, and old-school internet values that prioritize user empowerment.

1. Free Will: You Control Your Experience

The most significant difference between Facebook and Program9.click is that we put you in control. There are no algorithms deciding what you see or shaping your feed to maximize engagement. On Program9.click, you decide what content to engage with, which users to follow, and how to structure your online experience.

We believe in the power of free will—that users should have the ability to navigate their online space without being manipulated by algorithms or corporate interests. Program9.click is designed to give you the tools and autonomy to build your own online world, free from distractions and external pressures.

2. Privacy as a Fundamental Right

One of the biggest concerns with modern social networks is the erosion of privacy. Program9.click takes privacy seriously. Unlike Facebook, which thrives on collecting and selling user data, Program9.click doesn’t track you. We don’t sell your information to third parties, nor do we bombard you with targeted ads. Your data is your own and will never be used for profit.

Our privacy-first approach ensures that users can connect, share, and collaborate without worrying about their personal information being compromised. Program9.click puts privacy back into your hands, giving you peace of mind while you engage with others online.

3. A Platform for Activists and Digital Creators

Program9.click isn’t just about socializing—it’s a space for activism, creativity, and collaboration. We understand the importance of having a platform that doesn’t restrict expression or limit the causes users support. Whether you’re an activist fighting for human rights, a creator exploring new forms of digital art, or simply someone looking to have meaningful conversations, Program9.click is built to support you.

We actively encourage activism and believe in the power of online communities to drive social change. On Program9.click, you won’t be censored for challenging the status quo or pushing back against corporate and governmental systems. Our platform is designed to empower users to make a difference.

4. A Return to Old-School Internet Values

What sets Program9.click apart is its commitment to the values that made the internet great in its early days. We’ve adopted an open-source approach, encouraging community involvement and transparency in our platform’s development. The internet was once a place for experimentation, collaboration, and shared creativity. We’re bringing that back.

Our Program9 Webmasters group is dedicated to building and maintaining a platform that reflects these principles. This group of webmasters works to ensure Program9.click remains user-centric, open, and free from corporate influence. It’s a platform built by the community, for the community.

How to Transition from Facebook to Program9.click

Leaving Facebook and joining Program9.click is easier than you think. Here’s how you can make the switch:

  1. Sign Up: Getting started on Program9.click is quick and free. Create your profile and start exploring the platform immediately.

  2. Customize Your Experience: You’re in full control of what you see on Program9.click. There are no algorithms manipulating your feed, so you can follow users and communities that align with your interests.

  3. Engage in Meaningful Conversations: Whether you’re interested in activism, creative collaborations, or simply looking to make genuine connections, Program9.click offers a space for meaningful interactions without the clutter of ads or distractions.

  4. Focus on What Matters: Unlike Facebook, where endless notifications pull you in every direction, Program9.click encourages mindful engagement. You decide how much time to spend and what to focus on, allowing you to reclaim your time and productivity.

Program9.click: A Platform for the Future, Built on Old Values

As Facebook continues to erode the original principles of the internet, Program9.click stands as a platform for those who believe in true internet freedom, privacy, and autonomy. Our manifesto is clear: we want to bring back the values that made the internet a place of creativity, connection, and empowerment.

By leaving Facebook and joining Program9.click, you’re becoming part of a community that values old-school internet principles—privacy, free will, and meaningful interaction. You’re not just switching platforms; you’re making a statement about what the internet should be.

If you’re ready to take back control of your online experience, protect your privacy, and engage in a platform that champions digital freedom, it’s time to make the switch. Join Program9.click today and experience the internet the way it was meant to be.