Leave Facebook and Join Program9.click: Rediscovering the True Internet

Why You Should Leave Facebook and Join Program9.click: Rediscovering the True Internet

Before Facebook, the internet was a place of freedom, creativity, and exploration. It wasn’t dominated by algorithms, data mining, or massive corporations; it was a space where users built their own corners of the web, connecting through shared interests and genuine expression. Those early days were defined by a sense of autonomy, where the internet was built by users, for users. Now, with Facebook’s dominance and all-pervasive control over our online lives, that original spirit of the internet has been lost.

Enter Program9.click—a social network that brings back the old-school approach to the web, where users are empowered to shape their digital environment with true internet values at the forefront. If you’ve had enough of the surveillance, data exploitation, and superficial interactions that Facebook offers, Program9.click provides an escape into a world where privacy, free will, and community-driven experiences still matter.

The Facebook Era: What Went Wrong?

It’s hard to deny the powerful role Facebook has played in shaping social media. But along the way, Facebook shifted from being a platform for connecting with friends to becoming a corporate machine driven by data collection, targeted advertising, and content manipulation. Here’s why the Facebook model is problematic for those seeking a more authentic online experience:

1. Data Exploitation at the Core

From the moment you log in, Facebook begins tracking your every move. It uses your interactions to build a profile, feeding advertisers and creating targeted ads based on your personal information. Over time, this data harvesting has only intensified, turning Facebook into one of the most profitable advertising companies in the world.

In the early days of the internet, users weren’t the product—they were the creators. But Facebook’s business model flips that on its head, where you and your data are sold to the highest bidder. This level of control over personal information strips away the autonomy and privacy that once defined the internet.

2. Algorithmic Control and Manipulation

Facebook's feed is driven by algorithms that prioritize engagement above all else. These algorithms control what you see, who you interact with, and what content gets amplified. The result? A curated bubble where clickbait, sensationalism, and echo chambers thrive.

This level of control contrasts sharply with the early internet, where users freely explored and decided what content to engage with. Back then, you followed blogs, participated in forums, and built websites where you had full control over your experience. Facebook, in contrast, filters your world, often showing you only what it deems most profitable.

3. Mental Health and Social Media Fatigue

Many people who’ve spent years on Facebook find that it negatively impacts their mental health. The platform encourages users to compare their lives to others, often leading to anxiety, depression, and dissatisfaction. Instead of fostering meaningful connection, Facebook often feels like a never-ending stream of superficial interactions designed to keep you scrolling, not engaging deeply.

The early internet didn’t operate like this. Communities were interest-driven, people built websites that reflected their personalities, and online interactions felt genuine and creative. Facebook, by contrast, has created an environment where quantity trumps quality, leaving users disconnected from real relationships and interests.

Program9.click: Bringing Back the True Internet

At Program9.click, we’re bringing back the values of the true internet—a place where users have full control, privacy is protected, and creativity thrives. This isn’t just another social network. It’s a return to the time when websites were built with intention, and online spaces reflected real connections. Here’s how Program9.click stands out:

1. Free Will and Autonomy

One of the core principles of Program9.click is the belief in free will. Unlike Facebook, where algorithms and corporate interests dictate your experience, you are in control on Program9.click. You decide what you see, who you connect with, and how you engage.

Program9.click offers a space where you can explore the web the way it was meant to be—with no interference from algorithms designed to manipulate your behavior. In the spirit of the early internet, it’s a platform built for discovery, where you can shape your own digital world without external forces deciding what’s best for you.

2. Privacy is Non-Negotiable

In stark contrast to Facebook, where every click is tracked and sold, Program9.click takes a privacy-first approach. We don’t collect or sell your data. There are no targeted ads, no invasive tracking systems, and no hidden agendas. Your data remains your own, giving you the peace of mind that your online activities are private.

This privacy ethos harks back to the days when the internet was an open space, free from the prying eyes of corporations. By building a platform that respects user privacy, we’re ensuring that Program9.click stays true to the values of transparency and trust that once defined online communities.

3. A Space for Activists, Creators, and Innovators

Program9.click isn’t just a social network; it’s a community for those who want to drive change, create, and innovate. We provide the tools and the space for activists, creators, and web builders to connect and collaborate. Whether you’re fighting for free speech, human rights, or digital privacy, Program9.click is the platform that supports you.

We celebrate the old-school approach to web building, where users didn’t just consume content—they created it. With Program9.click, you’re encouraged to build your own communities, share your ideas, and take part in a platform that values authenticity and collaboration over corporate control.

4. Old-School Internet Approach: Building the Web Your Way

Back in the early days, building a website was a personal project, a place where you showcased your interests, connected with like-minded people, and expressed yourself freely. This old-school web-building approach is at the heart of Program9.click. Our platform is open to creators and developers who want to shape the future of the web in a way that prioritizes community, privacy, and genuine engagement.

We’ve adopted an open-source philosophy, meaning users can contribute to the platform’s development and shape its direction. Program9.click is built by its community, just like the early days of the internet when users had the freedom to experiment and create without corporate interference.

How to Leave Facebook and Join Program9.click

If you’re ready to ditch Facebook’s surveillance-driven model and rediscover the true internet, transitioning to Program9.click is simple:

  1. Create Your Free Account: Signing up is easy, and there are no ads or hidden costs.

  2. Customize Your Experience: Unlike Facebook, where algorithms control your feed, Program9.click allows you to build your own online world. Follow the people and topics that interest you, and engage freely without distractions.

  3. Focus on Meaningful Connections: Program9.click is built for those who value real interaction over endless scrolling. Spend your time building communities, sharing ideas, and engaging in authentic discussions.

  4. Embrace Your Creativity: Use the platform to create your own content, whether through blogging, activism, or building your own community. Program9.click offers the tools to help you create and share your voice with the world.

Program9.click: A Return to True Internet Values

While Facebook continues to shape the internet with its focus on profit and control, Program9.click offers a return to the values that once made the web great. By leaving Facebook and joining Program9.click, you’re choosing a platform that puts users first—where privacy, creativity, and free will come before profit.

Join Program9.click today and rediscover the internet the way it was meant to be. Build your own world, engage with meaningful content, and experience the freedom that comes with being part of a community-driven platform. The true internet is waiting—are you ready to return?