You Should Leave Facebook and Join Core Values of True Internet

Why You Should Leave Facebook and Join Rediscovering the True Internet

Before the rise of Facebook and the domination of corporate social media, the internet was a place where freedom, creativity, and individuality thrived. It was a space where anyone could create a website, participate in forums, and build communities based on genuine interests. This was the true internet—a decentralized web where users controlled their own experiences. With time, however, platforms like Facebook took over, turning the internet into a profit-driven, algorithm-controlled space.

But what if we could go back? What if there was a place that embraced the values of the old-school internet—a place where creativity, autonomy, and privacy mattered again? That’s where comes in. isn’t just another social network. It’s a movement to rebuild the true internet and return to the roots of what made it great in the first place. If you’re tired of the Facebook model, where your data is sold, your privacy is disregarded, and algorithms control what you see, then offers an authentic alternative that honors the values of freedom and self-expression.

The Decline of the Internet: How Facebook Changed Everything

To understand why is the future, it’s important to see how platforms like Facebook have transformed the internet—and not for the better.

1. Facebook Turned Users into Products

In the early days of the web, users created websites, shared information, and interacted with others on their own terms. There were no algorithms controlling the flow of information, and you weren’t constantly bombarded by targeted ads. Instead, the internet was a place where you could freely explore, build communities, and express yourself without fear of exploitation.

Facebook changed all that. By turning users into the product, Facebook profits from tracking your every click, collecting your data, and selling it to advertisers. The true internet wasn’t about surveillance—it was about freedom. With Facebook, your personal information is harvested and sold, making it nearly impossible to escape the web of commercial interests that drive every interaction.

2. The Algorithmic Manipulation

One of the most significant changes that Facebook brought to the internet is the algorithmic control of content. Instead of showing you what’s new in chronological order or letting you explore based on your own interests, Facebook’s algorithms carefully curate your feed to maximize engagement. This often leads to an echo chamber of sensationalized content that keeps you hooked for longer periods of time.

The old-school internet allowed users to discover content on their own terms, with no external pressure or hidden agendas. Websites were built by people, not corporations, and users decided what mattered to them. is bringing back this explorative spirit, free from the grips of algorithmic manipulation and corporate interests.

3. The Negative Impact on Mental Health

Studies have shown that heavy use of platforms like Facebook can lead to anxiety, depression, and a distorted sense of reality. The constant pressure to maintain an online persona, the endless comparison with others, and the addictive nature of the platform all contribute to a decline in mental well-being.

In contrast, the early internet was built around communities and individual expression. People came together based on shared interests and passions, not the number of likes or shares they could accumulate. seeks to revive this sense of genuine connection, providing a platform where users can be themselves without the pressure to perform for others. Rebuilding the True Internet

At, we believe in the original values that made the internet great. We’re committed to bringing back the core principles of the true internet: privacy, autonomy, creativity, and community-driven experiences. Our platform isn’t just about social networking—it’s about reclaiming the internet from corporate control and giving it back to the people.

1. Free Will and User Autonomy

The early internet was a place where users had full control over their experience. You could create your own website, decide what to share, and connect with people based on genuine interests. There were no algorithms deciding what you saw or where your attention should be directed. brings back this sense of free will. You’re in control of what you see, who you connect with, and how you engage with the platform. There are no algorithms filtering your experience—just pure, unfiltered connection and exploration. You decide how your online world looks and feels, just like in the early days of the internet.

2. Privacy as a Fundamental Value

One of the cornerstones of the true internet was privacy. Back then, websites didn’t track your every move or sell your personal information to third parties. adheres to this old-school philosophy by putting privacy first. We don’t track your data, we don’t sell your information to advertisers, and we don’t use manipulative tactics to keep you on the platform longer than you want to be.

On, your data is yours. No hidden surveillance, no invasive tracking—just a platform built on trust and respect for users’ privacy.

3. A Platform for Creators and Activists isn’t just about reconnecting people; it’s about giving users the tools to build and create, just like the early days of the internet. Whether you’re an activist, a creator, or someone looking to build your own community, gives you the freedom to make your corner of the internet exactly how you want it.

We embrace the old-school approach to website building, where users didn’t just passively consume content—they built it. encourages its users to create, collaborate, and participate in a way that’s authentic to their values. Whether you want to start a blog, host discussions, or run an activist group, we provide the platform to do so.

Rebuilding the Internet, One User at a Time

At its heart, is a platform for those who believe in rebuilding the internet in the image of its original values. We’re bringing back the true internet—an internet where users have power, privacy is protected, and communities are built around genuine connection and creativity.

Our philosophy is simple: the internet should be a place for exploration, self-expression, and freedom. By focusing on these core principles, we’re not just building a social network; we’re reviving the values that made the early web a place for everyone.

How to Transition from Facebook to

If you’re ready to leave Facebook behind and rediscover the internet as it was meant to be, here’s how you can make the switch to

  1. Create Your Profile: Signing up is quick and easy. Once you’re in, you can start customizing your experience right away.

  2. Explore Freely: There are no algorithms controlling what you see. You have the freedom to explore the platform, follow interesting people, and engage in meaningful conversations.

  3. Focus on Genuine Interactions: encourages quality interactions over the quantity-driven culture of Facebook. Spend your time building real connections and exploring content that genuinely interests you.

  4. Create Your Own Space: Whether you want to create a blog, start a community, or organize a movement, provides the tools to help you build your own part of the internet. A Platform for True Internet Values

As Facebook continues to dominate the online space with its data-driven model, stands as a beacon for those who believe in the true internet—the internet that once existed before the corporate takeover. By leaving Facebook and joining, you’re choosing to be part of a platform that values privacy, autonomy, and community over profit.

Join today and be part of the movement to rebuild the internet on a foundation of old-school values. It’s time to return to an internet that works for you, not for corporations. Experience the freedom of the true internet and help us create a future where users are empowered to build, create, and connect in the way the web was meant to be.